A programmer by profession, entrepreneur by passion and mathematician by heart.
Taught myself HTML, CSS and PHP at the age of 12. I began building websites, and soon after, I was building websites for other people. Wanting to start my own Minecraft server with the money I made from programming, I decided to purchase a VPS. Not knowing what I was doing, I decided to purchase the most expensive VPS, 2000 SEK/month, to host my Minecraft server. Thinking that I was going to get a Windows VPS, I ended up with a VPS running on Ubuntu. Been using Linux ever since.
Around the same time, I began learning physics. By the age of 15, I was studying vector calculus and abstract linear algebra. Was studying differential geometry and general relativity shortly after. I did not continue my studies in mathematics, but I continue to work on problems in mathematics in my free time.
Today, I'm a programmer by profession, entrepreneur by passion and mathematician by heart. I am working on various projects, looking for difficult and interesting problems to solve. Currently working exoquic.com, a real-time event streaming platform helping developers and businesses build real-time applications substantially faster and cheaper, abstracting away the complexities of concurrency, synchronization, locking, load balancing, data consistency and more with simple to use APIs.